Since 1969, we have helped those in need in our community.

Neighbors helping neighbors.

Our Mission and Vision.

The mission of the Friendship House of Middlesex, Inc. is to provide supplemental  food and clothing in addition to educational & resource information  to the needy in the Marcus Whitman School District  who have been impacted by financial problems as a result of unemployment, divorce, disability, health, domestic violence, homelessness, disaster, aging and rising cost of living.  We gather, store and distribute goods to those who find themselves in a time of special need and crisis, and support their efforts to regain self sufficiency through education.  Our mission is based on compassion and we respect the dignity of each person we serve.  The Friendship House Pantry and Thrift Store seek to collaborate with those who share our values and our mission.

Our Vision is to be the leader of self sufficiency in our community through education and crisis support.

Our Partners.

We are a proud Foodlink partner to provide shelf stable food staples via purchase and grants. Our partnership with Foodlink provides access to grocery and household items donated directly from local groceries and stores.

Our Community.

Our community is a valued partner in our work. Business owners, groups, schools and individuals provide donations and support on an ongoing basis.

In 2020 many business and community organizations partnered with us. Some have worked with us for years and other businesses and groups we’ve just met. Local churches and businesses, the Lions Club, and the Rotary Club are examples of groups we’ve worked with. Leaders and staff from our school district toured our facilities, offered support and directed families in need to our doors.

Groups have asked what is needed and then held coat drives, food collections and donations of personal care items. The community has supported our holiday programs through generous donations of food, toys and funds. We are always interested in working with new groups, businesses and clubs to support our work. Will you join us?

Who we serve.

Friendship House serves rural communities within a 30 mile radius in the Finger Lakes region of New York State,  focusing on but not limited to those families living within the Marcus Whitman School District.   Our Food Pantry sees an average of 550 visits per month.  Of the individuals served in those families, 38% are adults, 45% are children and 17% are elderly.  We strive to improve outreach to all those in need and increase the population served every  month.

  • Adults
  • Children
  • Over 60
  • Adults
  • Children
  • Over 60
Age Groups Served

What we offer.

We are a well established resource for individuals who have regular food instability or have difficulty making ends meet. We also serve individuals and families in times of crisis through both the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop. Our Thrift Shop provides access to very low cost clothing, accessories, housewares, and toys for those in need.  Regular community programs supports families by providing holiday programs, children’s programs, furnishing school supplies and holiday meals throughout the year.

How we serve.

Over 90% of the work at Friendship House is done by a dedicated team of local volunteers. The roles and tasks are many and always evolving. Volunteers unload and stock food deliveries, make regular pick ups of food and household donations from our partner stores. The Thrift Shop relies on volunteers to sort and organize donations, keep the sales floor organized, and assist customers. Volunteers manage record keeping, tracking and inventory. Some volunteers contribute special skills such as managing social media or construction and installation projects. The members of the volunteer board provide oversight and direction and assure that Friendship House continues to be valuable neighbors to the community we serve.

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