Santa Sunday
Santa Sunday is hosted by the Friendship House Thrift Shop every year on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The Thrift Shop is transformed into a kid-friendly holiday shopping bazaar where kids can browse and find just the right gift for their two most important adults.
Our E.L.F.s (Extraordinary League of Friends) are on hand as great shopping helpers and talented gift wrappers.
This year it was a sold out event and kids of all ages enjoyed the festivities.
Getting ready for Santa Sunday Shoppers
A spot for Santa
Team meeting
Behind the scenes with the chiefs
Wrapping station ready
We have great helpers!
We're ready!
Santa's here!
Welcome to Santa Sunday! Check in here.
Shoppers and helpers
Shoppers of all ages
Looking for the right gift
Choosy shoppers
Do you see something you like?
Our littlest shopper
Do you think this would be a nice gift?
There's a lot to look at
Hmm....which gift should I pick?
I'm still deciding
There are so many choices!
Smart kids chose wisely
The saleswoman
This will be great!
Did you see this? Maybe this would be a good gift
Just have to decide....which gift is right
Browsing the gift tables
Hey, did you see this over here?
Sure, everyone gets to pick out gifts
Okay, so I think one of these would be good
Shoppers galore...and helpers
Kids are great shoppers
Oh look, here's something that would be great
Now, we stop here and get all our stuff wrapped
Can I get my gifts wrapped now?
Wrapping's serious business
We'll get this wrapped up really nice!
Can I get my present wrapped?
The wrapping stations kept busy
Sometimes, it's a great team effort!
Thanks for the wrapping!
Where should we put the green bow?
Hey's it going?
Visiting with Santa
Sheesh! Of course I've been good!
Stopping by for a quick hello
Christmas present? Hmmm...let me think.
Hey! I know you.
Santa Sunday Smile
Look Santa, they even wrapped it!
And now, a visit with Santa
Let's have a chat!
Look who I found
Santa visits are the best.
Well....I think I was pretty good.
Yes, I could be a Santa Sidekick
Hi girls! Did you find great gifts?
Visiting with Santa
A serious talk about the upcoming holiday!
I love Santa Sunday
I found gifts, got them wrapped and now it's Santa Time!
Hey's it goin'?
Gifts - done, wrapping - done, last stop with Santa
Thanks for the cookie, Santa
Wow, you've grown tall since I last saw you!
Hi there Santa!
Well....I think I know what I want for Christmas
A good visit
Can I whisper to you what I want?
Oh yeah...this is cool
It's a secret!
Ha! That's a good one Santa!
Santa peeks out
Santa Sunday hugs
Look who's photo-bombed you!
Look who I found!
Look! We found Santa!
Who is the guy in the red suit again?
We had a great talk!
Nice presents!
Okay...Santa Sunday is fun!
Family and Friends
Family and Elf (sibling) hugs
Santa and Elves
Thanks for stopping by Santa!
The Friends and Elves who brought you Santa Sunday