Christmas Gift and Meal Program - 2021
Each year the Friendship House Christmas Program serves families within the Marcus Whitman School District. This year 115 families registered for help with meals and gifts for Christmas. Over 500 individuals were served. We were given wishes of 210 children this year by parents. Based upon their likes and hopes, toys were chosen and packaged for each family in addition to a fully stuffed stocking! This gallery shows preparations for the program and the volunteers who made it happen.

Sharon puts together a Giving Tree

Shirley tagging a Giving Tree

It was a Giving Tree Assembly Party!

Sue and Sharon and finishing touches.

Tags for our Giving Trees.

A festive star.

Christmas merchandise in the Thrift Shop.

Shirley checks the list of families.

Sue labels the toy bags.

Cathy and Shirley...with a whole lot of quilts.

Sue and Sharon taking a break.

Filling the stockings.

The stocking assembly line.

Supply of toys to fill children's wishes.

More Christmas decorations.

Each bag filled with toys for families.

A supply of wrapping paper too.

Bags filled for each family.

A great team of helper elves.

Our workshop.

We're ready...stockings first!

Our Managers - Craig and Cathy (with Elf photo-bomb).

The Pantry crew putting finishing touches on the meal boxes.

Last deliveries received.

Meal and food items, ready for families.

Ben and Gordon prepping meals boxes.

There are Christmas meals in those boxes!

Pick - up day and we're all ready.

Cars in line for Christmas Meal and Gift pick up.