Santa Sunday 2021.
A great event where kids can do their own Christmas shopping. The Thrift Shop was closed to everyone but the kids and Santa (and the elves!). Each child shopped for two special gifts for family members and then, with the help of the elves, got them wrapped and ready. A visit with Santa and a few nice surprises rounded out the day. This is the second year Friendship House has sponsored Santa Sunday and, as a popular event, it was fully booked with over 65 children signed up to shop on the afternoon of November 28th. Browse the Photo Gallery to see more!

Choosing just the right wrapping paper.

Santa Sunday Helpers

Shoppers with their gifts.

Let's add a red bow!

Wrapping each gift beautifully.

Cookies and treats

All ready for Santa!

A little shopper waiting for the wrapping.
A great "wrapper elf".
All wrapped.

Santa says hello.
The "Check-In" Elves.
A quick visit.
Shoppers and their helper.
Picking out just the right gift.
Our littlest one.
Come on! There's more to see.
He has candy canes too!
It's ok, it's Santa.
Hi Santa!
I'm shopping too.
I have a Santa hat.
Visiting with Santa.
"You tellin' me I'm on the Naughty list?"
Looking for the right thing at the gift table.
"I want it wrapped pretty."
Putting the finishing touches on the wrapping.
"I know where to put a bow!"
So much to choose from.
A whole lot of wrapping going on.
"Santa liked my bow too."
These will be great!
Choosing a cookie.
Everyone helped wrap.
Serious shoppers.
Which should I choose?
"And, I need a tag!"
Sitting with Santa.
Now this is how you wrap.
Welcoming the next family.
"I think this will be a good present."
A gift wrap elf at her station.
"And, what do you want the tag to say?"
Finished shoppers with their gifts.
"Hi! We're ready to shop."
Decisions, decisions!
And more decisions.

"Hey, we did it. Another Santa Sunday!"
What do you want for Christmas?
A turn to see Santa.
Great shoppers.
The Thrift Shop rearranged.
Another great elf!
Carefully choosing the right gift.
The whole family visits Santa.
Merry Christmas
Finished wrapping these!
Merry Christmas, Santa.
Everyone smile!
Shoppers and a helper.
Santa and friends.
Our furriest decoration.